
Showing posts from March, 2009


I married the best guy! I asked Scott's plans for the day yesterday and they included getting stuff for the garden. Little did I knwo it included plans to clear amd till the garden plot at my mom's. It was a great day. Someone a church had asked us to help a lady down the street from him with her garden. So Scott droppe doff stuff at her house (steer manure and peat moss) and came home and got us. We went and helped weed and spread the additives. The gal who lived there is not a member and said we were an unusual family. She is well aquainted with the LDS faith, but she said were were different. HMMMM! I wasn't sure how to take that. I think she was surprised that the whole family came and pitched in. We talked the whole time. She is really a neat lady and quickly bonded with our family. Next we went to my mom's. I was surprised when I asked Scott if my mom knew what he was doing. He said "nope, should we call her?". Oh even more fun! The garde...

Have I done any good in the world today....

I get LOTS of emails from free cycle and they are usually people needing something or giving something away. I LOVE and think it is a great organization a great way to help people. Today a post caught me off gaurd and has made me think. Here is the email Okay this may be weird, but I've learned how to sew in the past 6 month, and fixing something that I was about to throw out gives me a thrill. I've gotten really good at patching jeans, I can fix hems and zippers if you bring the right size of replacement zipper. Anyway, I figure you guys can e-mail me and I'll do first ones first going down the list. I'll e-mail the next person on the list as I'm ready for them. Thanks, this will be fun. It made me think, what do I do or can do that can help someone else? Also Marilee Laney's Lucky 5 post made me want to do some service too. Gee, I also bought "Pay it Forward" the other day. I think I am being prompted in many ways. So I am thinking...

Lucky Five

So this is circulating in the blog world....Sounds like fun! Sign up, you won't be sorry! The first 5 people to leave a comment to this post will receive something from me, Shelley! My choice. For you. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:. 1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I give you (but there's a pretty good chance you might). 2. What you receive will be just for you. 3. You will receive it by April 20th. Depending on when I leave for Brazil. 4. You have no clue what it's going to be. Currently, I have no clue. I just saw this on Marilee's blog and thought it would be a fun way to serve. The Catch? have to pay it forward in a way. Post it on your blog and let me know you have. You will then get something great (hopefully you think so to) from me. I hope we all can have fun with this and touch someone else. Have fun!

Crazy lady is at it again (Whole Cleanse here)

****I decided to combine the whole clease as my other posts are getting lost. I will just edit this post and post the new day at the end**** DAY ONE I have decided once again to do the Master Cleanse. I did it back in 2007 after losing 20lbs. It cleaned out the gunk in my body and made me feel incredible. Maybe I'm just thinking back to when things were simpler, BUT after a few days on the cleanse I had clarity of thought. I am a typical ping pong ball, I don't think I was always that way. Don't ask Scott that question, it might ruin my thought process here. ;) Back to the clarity, I was able to think faster and remember things. I once had a memory and could tell you the place and words said. Since having kids a wall has gone up on many things. Now, I'm not blaming my beautiful children for this. I just think as you worry about more and more things and people you forget other things. Hey that is fine and probably normal. I would like to improve it again. I...


Just over three weeks ago, I recieved a phone call as I was getting out of the car to pick up pizza. It was a interesting conversation.... Scott: Uh, Hon, they want me to go to Brazil. Me: REALLY!!!??? WOW! Scott: ya, the catch is it is for TWO WEEKS. Me: I WANNA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scott: you don't even have a passport. Scott served his mission in Sao Paulo South and came home 21yrs ago! He has forgotten a lot of his Portuguese. His company wants him to go set up a firm down there with their products. Scott is a no brainer chioce...been there done that type thing. I have asked him many times he wanted to go back. He was never very excited about it. When the phone call came and his voice was exuberant, I KNEW he HAD to go. Two weeks alone with the kids or not, he NEEDED to go. I thought I would solve the no passport issue fast and said "you can be there for work, then I'll meet up with you!". Sounded perfect! It would take me two weeks minimum to get my pa...

Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving

So I took the JUNG personality test and came up as an ESFP. I can see myself totally in some of it, but don't think of myself as a preformer. I do admit, I like attention, but I dont think I have to be in the middle all the time. I am quiet in large groups and am better one on one or in smallish groups. The Performer As an ESFP, your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you take things in via your five senses in a literal, concrete fashion. Your secondary mode is internal, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit with your personal value system. ESFPs live in the world of people possibilties. They love people and new experiences. They are lively and fun, and enjoy being the center of attention. They live in the here-and-now, and relish excitement and drama in their lives. ESFPs have very strong inter-personal skills, and may find themselves in the role of the peacemaker frequently. Since they make decisions by using their p...

Simpler times

This week Lindsey blamed bad eye sight on chemicals in the air. Scott made a great assessment. He is good at that! He is definately a thinker. Scott said "I bet it is everything we have to read". Now, my girls are serious readers and love to read at night with reading lights. He had to clarify a few things to ease their thoughts. We read A LOT. Scott said, if you think about it there are words EVERYWHERE! Street signs, bill boards, gauges on our cars, license plates...we are bombarded when we are out driving. Not to mention going to the store. I was standing in an isle at Wal Mart the other day with my new glasses on and thinking there were TOO MANY choices. My head was hurting! Too many words jumping from the products into my mind. I was swimming. It hit me, life was so simple way back when. back in simple times, when everyone grew their own food, minus the trip to the general store to pick up the flour and sugar. Talk about EASY! Okay, maybe not EASY. Just e...