
We have waited for a long time to have a little boy. We have four girls then had our little boy almost a year ago. He has been slower than his sisters in EVERYTHING. It is hard not to judge, I know every child is different. However, he has done something that his sisters never did, fell down the stairs.

My girls loved their walker and gave them freedom to move about the house. While they wer little we lived in a one story house without a basement. We now have a basement with an open stairway. We have a GREAT gate that protects him, if it is closed. Saturday, my hubby was working in the basement and bringing trash up and didn't close it. He was going up and down and didn't think about it. I can promise you, he DOES now!

Saturday, I was making spaghetti sauce with our tomatoes and heard a loud clunk clunk crash and a WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I ran as soon as I heard the noise and immediately burst into tears and screams! My heart sank! Hubby was in the laundry room and he got to him first. He gave him to me. He seemed less scared than I did (Bryan that is). My heart was beating so hard and didn't stop for a LONG time. He appeared to be okay. I remember saying "Emergency room?". I didn't know what to do with my little boy who isn't even 10 months old. His lip was bloody (only a tiny bit) and that appeared to be the only injury he sustained.

I have a friend who fell down the stairs with her newborn. Hailey (the baby) suffered a head injury when my friend's fall forced her hand to open. Hailry spent many days in ICU in a children's hospital hours away. This was what was going through our minds. Hubby and I looked at eachother like "what if we lost him....". I don't even want to think about that.

Talking about what to do with the kids, I said "call Paul, he's an EMT". Hubby did and he ran over. Bryan's eyes looked fine and he had no tender spots. Paul said to watch him and not let him sleep for an hour. Then together they gave Bryan a priesthood blessing. I think the blessing was the biggest relief to me. The power of the priesthood is such a gift.

My little guy violently flew, flipped, tumbled and crashed down the basement stairs in his walker and only recieved a bloody lip (more of a scratch), NO bruises or anything else. THAT is a miracle. I thank my Father in Heaven for watching over and protecting my baby.


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