Pass the Lysol

Okay, so since NEw Years we have not experience a single day of total wellness in my house. Sure Scott might not be sick, but everyone else just passes it back and forth!

runny nose
stopped up nose
sore throat

hmm...I KNOW I'm forgetting some things! I'm tired of it. Sick and tired of it. SO...maybe home schooling and staying home from church is the answer. Total and complete confinement? Na, I think I would loose what marbles I have left. I can say there aren't many. One, Two, Three, four, Five, Six........hmmm the bag is empty.

No seriously, it could be worse. No one is terminally or really crhonically ill (even they are continually sick). We need to count our blessings! I have a friend from a message board who's daughter is VERY sick. Ivy is a beautiful little girl, it is had to imagine what she is going through. This sweet little girl has many blessings too. She has afamily who LOVES and ADORES her and is doing all they can to help her.

I think I need to pass some of my marbles to my she can hold on longer.


Mimo- JenK said…
Shelley, thanks for visiting my blog! Sorry I'm not on LM's anymore.
Your friends page makes my stomach hurt with sadness for them. I hope they have many blessings this year.
So good to see you again!

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