Enrichment night in August!

I am excited, the ladies in my group are going to be able to demonstrate alternative cooking methods at our Enrichment night. We will show how to make things in an applebox oven , dutch oven and a wonderbox. All without electricity! WOHOO

I still have to make my wonderbox....time to get to work!

To make an apple box oven go http://www.preparingtoday.com/Literature/Apple%20Box%20Oven.pdf

A wonderbox is similar to a hay box . But a wonderbox is made from cotton material then it is filled with an insulating material (usually bean bag pellets). there is a base which forms a box and a lid. You bring the food to a boil then place in the wonderbox and it cooks from the stored heat.

For enrichment we will be making RICE in our wonderbox. Chicken teryaki in the dutch oven and dessert in the apple box oven. If your in the neighborhood let me know ;)


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