Pretty boy


So I have this gift, I can just about fall asleep at the drop of the hat. You hear about those people who are asleep as soon as their head hits their pillow. Well that is usually me. I also have a curse, I am easily woken up, especially in the morning hours. Quite often I can fall back asleep easily, but then I am woken up again.

This morning I woke up before my alarm (set for 6:40) and fell back to sleep and woke a minute before the alarm. I decided this morning I would use "pretty boy" the rooster as a snooze button. MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!! So I consciencely made myself listen for him. I would doze and wake when I heard him. See, where my gift and curse play in here? Well, I decided to time the thing.... He was crowing every stinkin minute! He would crow and I would look up... 6:46...6:47...6:48...6:48...UH OH! TWICE in a minute? He starts this at 5-5:20 AM EVERY DAY! So if I'm not making myself listen for him, I get some actual sleep. After this morning I am wondering how much I get after he wakes. Does he crow every minute that early? So on my grumpy days, just assume I was woken up a lot. I tend to need uninterupted sleep.

I am thankful for my extra pillow and an arm that goes over that pillow and my ear. My other arm is under my other pillow and other ear. My bathroom fan (white noise) is now broken from over-use. I hope Porter gets some good chicks from this "Pretty boy". I'm ready to scream!


Tami said…
I didn't know you had a rooster. How much fun. Hope you get more sleep soon!
Marilee said…
I have some earplugs you can have!!!

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