We have been asking Scott for MONTHS for a new kitty. Last Friday (week and half ago) I saw a mouse run across the kitchen floor. I freaked! NOT IN MY KITCHEN!!!! I called Scott and said "THERE IS A MOUSE IN THE PANTRY!" He calmly said, "put a sticky trap in there". I did. I found a "calico kitten" on Freecylce and for fun I emailed the gal. I just do that. I had no clue she would look so much like Teeka (our kitty we had to put down). I sent Scott an email with the link to pictures and he said WE COULD GET HER! I was SHOCKED! I figured he would only be MORE annoyed with me. We picked her up on Saturday.

This morning, I saw a mouse. Of course it was the same one! Yes, I am in denial. So I grabbed our new kitty and tossed her into the pantry too. I hear her rifling around and I decide I will help by removing things. I only LET the mouse get lose! She apparently still was after it. I saw her all over the house in search mode.

I came home from getting the girls from school and getting hair cuts. I bought some leave in conditioner and went to put it in their bathroom and found the toilet needing to be flushed. (Not a surprise in a house full of kids) See waht I found on further investigation? That would be a mouse and lots of mouse droppings!!! Thank you Kitty and thank you Scott!

Kitty came with Ella as a name, which is WAY too close to Nala. I love Ella though! We have been calling her "Smudge". I have a feeling she will be both in our house. When we call Ella, Nala comes. Kitty doesn't even know her name! I guess that is a bonus, but a week of calling her Ella, has stuck for us.


She enjoys the outdoors.

Isn't too old to play yet. Loves her feather toy.


Loves the toilet water? Guess that is why she put the mouse there?

The surprise I came home too. Thank you Smudge!


Marilee said…
I'm glad you caught the mouse! And congrats on a new found pet!
Tami said…
I am happy for you! Animals can be such a blessing. I am referring to the pets, not the mice. Yeah for your Ella/Smudge!
Sister Snoopy said…
She plays in the toilet?

How funny!

Congrats on the new puddy tat!

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