Gestational diabetes

A week and half ago I failed the one hour glucose tolerance test. I did the same thing over 6yrs ago too. This was, however a shock. I had been checking my glucose levels periodically and was doing fine. So, I thought. After that test I dcided to check my blood sugar every two hours (after meals) and fasting for the next 3 days. I was consistently high on the two hour ones. My fasting ones were perfect (under 100).

Last week when i went in for the 3hour I failed the first two numbers. My fasting was 111, then I drank the 100gr of glucose lemon lime drink (btw, they are no longer carbonated). BLECH!!! My one hour number was 183 (supposed to be under 180) and was told I probably hadn't even peaked out yet. I wasn't surprised at this actually.

I saw the dietician at Mountain View Hospital and feel a bit better. It is great to have guidelines now. Poking my fingers every two hours is not my idea of fun. I am a grazer and like to eat when I like. If I want to eat an orange when I get the urge, by golly I want to eat it. However I can't. Carb counting is the bain of my existence right now. I am amazed at the amounts of carbs in foods. I even checked out Weight Watcher's Smart Ones today at Walmart and the carb count on them was too high! I was hoping for a quick fix this week while Scott is in Portland.

A GD diet is all about balance, and that balancing act gets tricky! I can have something that is in the limit of the carb limit and still be high two hours later. AND I can eat the right amounts and crash. So confusing!!! Now, I'm looking at the next 2.5 months and feeling sad. I have three birthdays in the next two weeks and two major holidays. The EATING ones!!!!! I know, I can count my blessings that I'm not on an IV for the holidays. No food, might be easier than seeing everyone else eat what they want and having to avoid the GOOD stuff. LOL! On and an IV I would probably in a hospital AWAY from food! LOL!

On the up side, I will keep my weight gain to about 20lbs probably! I have gained 16 so far, but have lost a pound or two already.

****I wanted to add a few things that I didn't know before about GD. The risks to mom, weight gain, increase in possiblity of having Type 2 later in life. Risks to baby, early birth (Journey was 4wks early planned induction but I was in labor already), high weight (Journey was 7lb 11oz at 36wks), low blood sugar at birth and jaundice. When the mom's blood sugar is up the baby's pancreas (sp?) can compensate for it in the womb. After birth the baby doesn't have the mom's sugars coming in and the pancreas is STILL pumpping out the high doses of insulin and the baby can crash due to low blood sugar. This is the main reason to keep the blood glucose level! An occassional high number is okay but consistent ones harm the baby. This is why I will keep the diet.


Tami said…
I am so sorry. I know how frustrating it is especially at this time of year. I had it with Audrey. The good news is, I lost weight and was at such a great weight when I delivered Audrey and she was my smallest full term baby, only 6 pounds compared to my other 2 full terms that were 9 and very close to 9. As hard work as it was, it was worth it. My OB/GYN called me his incredible shrinking pregnant woman. :-) I did see the wonderful statistics for those who get it for real later in life, it is like 50 percent, I think. Scary. The other good news though is that your new baby is your cure for the diabetes. No more worries except for caution for the future. I ate a lot of salads, and my biggest thing was to eat fewer carbs at night. If you are going to eat carbs, eat them for breakfast or lunch, not dinner. You are in my thoughts!
Marilee said…
Been there, done that and it is a lovely experience (sense the sarcasm). You'll do just fine on the GD diet! It's better than giving yourself insulin shots! How do your finger feel? (ouchy)

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