Murphy's law

This past week has been crazy. I am thankful it went fast though.

It all started Sunday night with some contractions that just wouldn't go away. I woke in the middle of the night with them. I had been dreaming I was in labor. I was chatting with a friend and asking her questions about them. I have been told by some not so nice nurses at Mountain View Hospital that they weren't contractions. After a while I began to think maybe it was intestinal...the cramping I get from my crohn's is often similar. However they didn't want to go away. These contractions continued all week on and off.

I have had irritable uterus with 4 of my 6 pregnancies so contractions are nothing new. The number of them have been concerning this time around. Concerning because I have a few things against me. One, 4 of the five so far have been planned inductions, which means I didn't go into labor on my own. With the contractions I have and irritable uterus I don't really KNOW what it will be like. With Journey I contracted for months. I actually had NO CLUE that I was in labor when I went in for the planned induction. I was in my 36th week then.

When I went to the OB on Thursday they did cervix check and I was at 1-2cm and 75% effaced and wasn't even a full 36wks.

Yesterday I began contracting when I woke up. I was having mild contractions all morning. By 9ish I had 10 or so. I had some bloody show, which could be from the exam the day before or the coming of labor.

I had talked to my friend Heather and she said there was a website somewhere that you could count contractions and they would time them etc. After a while I decided to lay down and watch CSI on Netflix and count the contractions. I had just drank a big glass of water. I started counting at 10:24 and ended at 11:12. Int that period of time I had 16 contractions! The shortest one was 49 seconds and the longest was 3:44. By the end they were really hard and I had to breathe through them. At that point I decided I had better get in the shower. I wanted to be clean! They stopped! I knew it was early and Liberty should stay a bit longer but with all the contractions I was really hoping I would be done soon. In the next hour and 15 minutes I only had about 4-5. When I left to get my kids they began to pick up again. I had two 10min apart then they dropped to 5min. They all lasted about 2min or so. Then I called my friend Traci to give her an update on things and we talked and they began to come about every 2min. I was begining to think I should go get checked. Atleast call my Doc. I would do that when I got home.

I made a few more phone calls to update friends who I had been talking to. I called the Doc to see if I could go get checked in the office. I have a fear of the L&D after being told by the nurses they weren't contractions. I didn't want to go in and be told, they were nothing if I could go to the Doc's office and be checked. Well, he was gone. The Nurse Practioner said she would check me. Then after talking to her and her hearing my history she decided I just needed to go in and be monitored instead of just a cervical check. SO, more phone calls were made and I got ready to go. Still contracting.

When I was 20 I had surgery for endometriosis and the Gynecologist cut a nerve, the pre-sacral nerve. The nerve was to help with cramping and later in life in labor with contractions. When I went to a infertility specialist trying to concieve Lindsey (took 19mo) she was ALL excited to have a patient that had that done (nerve cut) she wanted me to tell her how it was for labor. Like I would KNOW any different. So I have wondered all along on the contractions if they were harder than I felt. I will never know.

On our way to the hospital, some contractions were getting hard enough I couldn't talk, or prefered to focus on them. They were about 5min apart. They were consistent until we got to the room for a labor check. Then they slowed considerably! I had ONE big contraction while there and lots of little ones. Nothing that was consistent. Nothing like I had been having all day!!! They did a cervical check (2X) and I was still at 1-2cm and 75%. I knew they would send me home and that is depressing. All the pain for nothing!

I know deep down that she is better off staying inside for a bit longer. It is just frustrating that I have had a week of on and off contractions and a full day of contractions with nothing to look forward to. Okay I have plenty to look forward to. I have been contracting plenty today. Sitting here in my bed typing this I have had atleast 10. They hurt and are frustrating. I guess the most frustrating part is that they don't change if I lay down, they still come. I wonder if I should try to stay down or just get the things done I need to do. Will they do anything? Should I try to keep her in? They said at 36wks she would be considered full term last the past (6yrs ago) they told me she was considered premmie. Big premmie (7lb 11oz)!!

Anyway, this explains the drama of yesterday! I still need to write about Bryans visit to ER, another murphy's law experience...never say never.

****Someone asked what the nerve being cut meant. I did some more research and it is hard to decipher the medical jargon. From my understanding the nerve partially controls pain from the vagina and the uterus. It decreases the sensation, which in the end helps with crohnic pelvic pain in relation to endometriosis. Which I used to almost pass out from monthly. After the procedure I did much better. That however could have been from having the endometriosis removed by laser. It supposedly is a very difficult procedure to do,which could be why recovery from that was a bear. Results were good. anyway, why I mention it is with the nerve cut, I have no clue to what I would REALLY be feeling. I don't know if the contractions would be harder for other people...anyway hard to judge them. Someone mentioned I could talk through them the other day. granted everyone handles pain differently. I don't know if this nerve cut helps me handle it differently. To me the contractions hurt plenty! I hope that makes more sense. I find I don't make a lot these days. ;)


Sister Snoopy said…
Dang woman! Still thinkin' about ya!

So I have to admit some confusion.

What did the nerve getting cut do?
Tami said…
I hope you are able to have a quick delivery when the time comes. I am sorry for all the pain leading up to her birth. I think 36 weeks is completely safe. Sending you hugs. Wish I could be there to help ya!
Marilee said…
dang! i'm sorry to hear that you've been in so much discomfort. sure hope that baby comes soon!
Anonymous said…
I hope things go well for you. Happy 2010!
Nice blog, and I like the music, too.


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