Lately, I have been feeling down on myself. I've gained 10lbs since moving but I LOVE junk food so I haven't been really motivated to do anything.
After talking to a friend I decided to start running again. I asked Scott for new shoes for my birthday so I could get started with some new shoes, not run down ole things that I have had for a few years. I went into Runners Corner in Orem and they told me about some "new" shoes. When he said there are fewer injuries and easier on the knees, shins and ankles I REALLY wanted to like them. He called them ZERO DROP He had me wear a normal Asics like my old one and one of the Alta Instint. I immediately noticed the difference. I was SOLD!
After my first jump on the treadmill I had NO pain! In the past the first set of intervals had KILLED! This time, none! No knee pain, no shin pain, nothing! I wasn't even sore the next day! GASP! What was I doing wrong? No pain no gain, right? WRONG! Today, I turned 37 and ran my first mile in years. No intervals but actually moving without stopping to walk. WOHOOOO!
Two milestones, turned THIRTY SEVEN and ran a mile! WOHOOO!
Here are my clown shoes, Altra Intuition (stock photos)

I LOVE my shoes!!! :) NOW, if I could quit eating junk.
BTW, I started this post ON my birthday, but didn't finish it. Sorry that the pictures are so big. Some reason they aren't being resized.
After talking to a friend I decided to start running again. I asked Scott for new shoes for my birthday so I could get started with some new shoes, not run down ole things that I have had for a few years. I went into Runners Corner in Orem and they told me about some "new" shoes. When he said there are fewer injuries and easier on the knees, shins and ankles I REALLY wanted to like them. He called them ZERO DROP He had me wear a normal Asics like my old one and one of the Alta Instint. I immediately noticed the difference. I was SOLD!
After my first jump on the treadmill I had NO pain! In the past the first set of intervals had KILLED! This time, none! No knee pain, no shin pain, nothing! I wasn't even sore the next day! GASP! What was I doing wrong? No pain no gain, right? WRONG! Today, I turned 37 and ran my first mile in years. No intervals but actually moving without stopping to walk. WOHOOOO!
Two milestones, turned THIRTY SEVEN and ran a mile! WOHOOO!
Here are my clown shoes, Altra Intuition (stock photos)
I LOVE my shoes!!! :) NOW, if I could quit eating junk.
BTW, I started this post ON my birthday, but didn't finish it. Sorry that the pictures are so big. Some reason they aren't being resized.