BEWARE steeping tea too long! (Cleanse day 8)

Each night on the MC you drink and herbal tea (lax tea) with Senna in it. I use SMOOTH MOVE. You are only supposed to steep it for about 10 minutes. Well, last night I forgot about it and left it for atleast TWENTY! Well, the stronger it is the sooner it will wake you up. It woke me up at 3:30 AM. GOODNESS!!!! I do have to say there is a bunch more crap in there! So beware how long you steep it. I hadn't had cramps with it until this AM.

The SWF seems to be taking longer today again. ?????? Not sure why that is. I am feeling good though. I plan to drink more lemonade and water today. See if I can flus more out since I only have a few days left and I am anxious to return to normalcy with my family, not hiding at meal time. I have read two and a hlf books in the past 8 days though so I am doing good things. LOL! I way behind on laundry though. I have good energy! I need to get moving on the importnt things in the house though. I have been lazing around in my mind I am only tkaing in a small amount of calories and need to take it easy even though my energy has been better than normal.

Detox symptoms....I have had minimal symptoms all along. I have not had big headaches. The only thing I can think of is being tired, irritable, my legs hurt on day one and on ocassion my tummy bothered me. I have IBS though so that is bound to happen. It was short lived though. This was not the cramping that occured with the tea this am...different spots.


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