Day TEN is here!

I cheated a tiny bit yesturday! Only a tiney bit. YESTURDAY was so hard! Yesturday was the anniversary of the mormon pioneers entering the salt lake valley. My family celebrates it by going on a little trek pulling a wheelbarrow like a hand cart and the bike trailer as one too. I usually make some treat that pioneers might have had. I made brown sugar candy (similar to carmel) and scones. I licked my fingers many times while making the candy and had a small pinch of the scone.

Yesturdya was my hardest day!!! Everything was so tempting! It ws calling out "eat me eat me!" LOL!

I am back on track today and will finsih tonight. Tomorrow I will break my "fast" with OJ then move into soups then solids.

I am down 9lbs now and my skin (face mostly) went through the ick phases of puffy, teenage acne type without the zits....just bumpy. Weird stuff to smooth again. My tounge (they say the white is toxins) has gone from pinkish to white to less white not quite totally pink again. My energy is up and I am experienceing more clearity. I can think!!!! Before I was really suffering from a muddled brain. Over all I feel GREAT! I feel strong and ready to face the world. :) Bring it on I can handle it! LOL!


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