I'm boring sorry

I haven't had much to write about lately. I'm pretty lame lately.

I did try a new Female product lately. The Diva Cup! I guess the reason for using this, could be why I have been lame. ROFL!

The Diva Cup is an alternative to Tampons! http://www.divacup.com/ There are a variety of these little contraptions. I bought a Keeper a few kids back, but thought it was too hard. The Keeper is made from Rubber (like erasers), the Diva Cup is silicone, much softer! I heard that using these will reduce cramping. Now what woman (who cramps) wouldn't like to decrease those?

There is a bit of a learning curve with these. Someone on a mommies board I belong to posted this link http://community.livejournal.com/menstrual_cups/453392.html It shows you how to fold them differently to make them easier to get in. Then there is this link http://community.livejournal.com/menstrual_cups/648061.html that gives you a visual of all the cups. There are 5 or so. The diva cup can be found locally though. I got mine at Beehive HEalth Essentials in Spanish Fork. you can order them online for about $16+shipping. I keep forgetting, so I went a bought mine in SF. I told her I could get it online for $16 so she gave me 20% off. Her's run about $32. I was desperate to try it.

I was happy with it once the "stem" was cut off. I am happy with my purchase even if it was pricer than paying shipping online. It was an immediate gradification type thing. I'll report back about the cramps thing. LOL!

ALSO, I'm a NEW AUNT! My Nephew Kai was born early this morning. I hope to have pictures in a day or two. :)


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