
We all have a responsbility to our country to vote. This year we have two choices in the mainstream parties. Many time sint he past and now I ahve heard, I'm going to vote for the "Lesser of two evils". I hope you listen to this video and HEAR what it says. We ahve things going onin our gevernment which, unless we make SERIOUS changes will continue. Please remember we have the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES for a reason. It has been trampled on over and over again. The two main party canidates will continue to do it. Ron Paul, has endorsed the COnstitution Party canidate, Chuck Baldwin. Or you could make a HUGE statement and write in Ron Paul. I really liked what Martin Luther King says in this video, it is so similar to what we have been taught through the Book of Mormon. Our country has been taken over by gadiantons (secret societies). I am not sayiong there are not good people in the government, because their are. If we continue to vote straight party, we will continue to gather the power of these societies. Please, pray baout your vote this year and consider a different approach.


The Crook Book said…
thanks for the info. I believe I invited you to my blog. I hope I had the right email address.

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