I don't think I lost

So it has almost been a week since I joined weight watchers. My pants actually feel tighter! Nope, not pleased one bit about that! I have been doing decent. You know it is hard to change habits in a week, but I have worked hard. Drank lots of water and ate my veggies. I started out by losing 5lbs but I was down with the tummy bug. I kept it off 'til Tuesday. At the doc on Monday (gastro check up) the scale said 149lbs with my shoes on. WOHOO! My scale says different. :D I thought I fixed it to go with the WW one.

This is the first week, this is the first week! I am trying to figure out what my goal weight will be. The book says 107-137lbs. I think 107 is too low. I was 110lbs when I got married. I still think that is too low. Maybe I will jsut go with how I feel, sounds good right? I am thinking more towards the 120s somewhere. I want something that is maintainable. PLUS 124lb is a 24lb loss and that would be 2lbs a week for 12wks. Doable? Probably.

Maybe I'll have good news tomorrow.


Good luck with you plan! I need to do something, but have lost the motivation right now because the last few things I have tried had not worked.
Marilee said…
I want to try the Acai berry and colon cleanse thing. Keep up the good work!!
I want to try the acai berry too...but not the cleanse. Thanks to a colon cleanse I ended up with my Crohn's dx. Hmph! I doubt it would work without a cleanse. I need to kick this cough and get back to working out.

I wonder if you'll even see this. LOL!
The Lindsays said…
Shelley, if I can do it anyone can! You will succeed I promise. The first couple weeks are definitely the hardest. It is a challenge changing your habits and figuring out points, etc. But after the first couple of weeks it gets much easier and you'll be so glad you did it. I am!!! (And I gained a pound last week even with being good and working out like a crazy lady?!)

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