"buying stock"

My poor Lindsey went to school on Monday unprepared for all the life changing events that would happen this week. She started SEVENTH grade. If she was not going to Liberty she would be in Junior High and have to deal with a whole new school. Instead she is moving classes and teachers and having to figure out her locker at her "old" school. Still she had to make new friends. Her friends from last year all went to a new school or moved.

Monday, while at taekwondo in Payson I got a phone call with Lindsey on the other end MADDER than I have ever heard her. So mad she was just about in tears. "I'm never going to babysit again! They never listen!! Liberty's crying and Journey says it's MY job...............WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME!" Uh, wow! "I'll be home soon I'm talking to Dejah's instructor." She went on and on. I told her to "buck up and deal with the situation". She hung up on my I think. I quickly ended the conversation with her teacher and left. by the time I got home Lindsey was in a good mood. WOW! WHAT happened in that 15 minutes. She even apologized for being mean. I figured she was tired. We all were!

Tuesday after school she said "mom, can I talk to you in your room?". We went in and locked the door. She said "I think I started my period". That totally explained why my normally sweet girl was a roller coaster. Not only did she start school she entered into "womanhood". What timing! A time that is already filled with stress and confusion was just filled with more.... How do you make friends when you are snippy and not feeling good.

Yesterday she said "I wish I knew why my back was hurting". I asked her how long it had been hurting and where. I told her, I knew why and it would go away soon. "huh? Oh? Well that stinks!" I hope it isn't like that all the time for her. I asked if her tummy hurt too. "yes". POOR girl! First week of school so many changes! She has handled it like a pro though. I am so proud of her!

Now, it is the time to buy stock in Always brand. I have 4 more coming up in the next 12yrs. Three in 5.5 yrs. Wohooo! Scott is going to be hiking lots more in the next few years I'm sure. The joys of having 5 girls! One at a time though is the best way to handle it, right?

I hope next week is better for Lindsey!


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