His name is BOO

And he likes to climb.


Dejah got a kitten right before we went to Yellowstone. She bought him from her cousin for $5 with her own money. She had been begging and begging for a new pet, one she could call her own. Scott let her get a kitten. I was shocked! I just knew he was going to say "no", so when I told her she had to ask dad I figured it was a sure way to get it shot down. He would be the bad guy, not me. That back fired! Really he is a cute kitten and I'm glad he is in our family.

Ella went through some serious moments with us all. She stopped coming inside and sleeping at my feet. She was letting us know she did NOT approve. She has since come around and puts up with him and even plays with him. Nala was in love at first sight. She wanted to lick him from day one. HE on the other hand had some warming up to do. Now, he rubs against her legs and purrs. Now all pets are happy.


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