Back to School


Today is the first day back to school. I can't believe it! We have a fifth, third and first grader. Seems like yesterday Lindsey was in kindergarten, not 6yrs ago. WOW! Where did the time go. They are each super excited!

Monday for family home evening each of the kids recieved a Father's blessing. They were each incredible. What a blessing it is to have the priesthood in our home. I hope the girls grow up to respect it. This morning we had pancakes and scrambled eggs with Orange Julius to drink. We read some Book of Mormon together and had Family Prayer. They are properly equipped to go to school. Scott said the prayer this morning and asked that the teachers be led in what they teach and that it is only good. My biggest worry about public school is that the curriculum will change and they will be forced to teach things that are not in accordance with our beliefs. When that happens I will take my kids home to be taught by me. I'm not ready for that. I have friend who is WONDERFUL with homeschool. I would have much to learn.
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Marla said…
I can not believe that your kids are growing up! That little Bryan is 3! Wow. Time Flies. I want to come to some of your classes. Let me know what they are on.

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