logical good emotional bad

I am Woman hear me roar. I am woman in pain for 2wks hear me whine!

I managed to get into the doctor today, by way of a cancelation. My Gastro said "no it doesn't soundlike crohn's" and my Gyn says "I don't think it is endo". So I get emotional and mad. No one seems to care what it is, just that it isn't in their specialty.

So of course I couldn't remain logical, I got mad. My sweet hubby was there to help me make my point. Unfortunately, I wanted to hit him too. What is the problem with emotion? WHy do I have to be logical. Why is it they can't say, "let's try to figure out what it is". Not one said "let's do some blood work".

I did leave with an appointment for surgery, but he doesn't think it is my endo giving me all this pain. "It is moving, endo doesn't move" he says. Well, what do you think it is sir? "I think it is bowel, maybe not crohn's but not endo". I got waht I wanted or what he thinks I wanted. I wanted to be told "you have ________ and let's fix it". I didn't want to be told "let's try Lupron and see if that helps". Lupron is HORRIBLE! It induces a mock menopause.
Side Effects and Lupron Depot
Side effects that have been associated with the use of Lupron Depot frequently include hot flashes and night sweats, and less frequently palpitations, syncope, and tachycardias. Other side effects include generalized pain, headaches, vaginitis, nausea/vomiting, fluid retention[, weight gain, acne, hirsutism, joint pain, loss of sexual desire, depression, dizziness, nervousness, and breast changes such as tenderness and pain. There have been no deaths directly related to therapy with Lupron Depot.

It is a shot that you can't get rid of if it causes too many side effects. It will run its course in 5-6wks. WEEKS!!! The last hormone drug he had me take gave me pain, when I stopped taking it, the pain went away. IT WENT AWAY WHEN I STOPPED TAKING IT! I told him I would not take Lupron. No thank you.

So here I am with pain (it did subside after my blow up) thinking "It's not my endo, it's not crohn's, but I have sugery planned for the 2nd. Deep down, I know there is endo in there, so it wouldn't be for nothing, but I'm wondering if it is a good move. I need to find out what it is. It moves. At first it wasn't moving. It was pelvic or low colon-ish, now it is moving. Rolling my eyes here.

Every 4-5yrs I go through some "big" health thing. It started right after we got married. Poor Scott! Poor poor guy! Good thing we have insurance. My last big thing was when I was pregnant with Journey. She is almost 5. So 2008 is the year. Rolling the eyes again.

I am woman. I am alive. I do have reason to smile, 5 of them.


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