Chores chores and more chores

I ponder this every now and again. My kids just have no clue that other kids help out aroudn the hosue more than they do. They really have it easy. I have it hard. Or really we have a messy house.

I have a friend who has 7 kids and on on the way. I have NEVER seen her house a wreck. Honestly, it is immaculate. And she amazes me. Her kids have a wheel on the fridge and they have set chores for the WEEK! They are like mopping, vacuuming, dishes etc. So each child has one for the week. My kids get mad when I aske them to empty the dishwasher. Okay, MAD isn't the right word "WHY ME?" are the right words. Hmmmmm.... My job as a mother is to teach them to be responsible and I'm failing. They don't listen to me, they WILL listen to dad. Why is that?

I have thought about following my friend's example, but my kids don't want to be in charge of the dishes for a full week. Honestly, neither do I. That si why I keep thinking of ways to get them involved.

I was reading one of my favorite blogs and ran across a contest she did. And I MISSED it darn it! Oh well. The contest was for a book called "Choreganizers" She was giving TEN copies away! And I missed it! You can go here and see what th ebook is like. I think I want to buy it. I LOVED the fact that it has enough stuff for SIX kids. Now, I only have five (that is enough right?). Usually there are only enough for 2 or 3 kids. I need to raise resposible kids...all five. I can't leave one out, now can I?

I have a confesssion to make. When I went to live with my dad at age 12, well he had a live in maid. From age 12 to when I left home I had some one clean up after me and do my laundry. I was spoiled rotten. I hardly did a thing! You know what that taught me? Not a lot, I tell ya. It didn't teach me to keep my room clean. Didn't teach me tokeep up with the dishes or laundry. And GUESS what? Uh huh! You guessed it, I struggle daily. Moral of that tale is, don't have a live in maid. And don't let it be you, get your kids to help. I'm trying to learn that all now, I have five kids, I'm behind on the ball game. Better late than never, eh?

So what are the things that work for you? Anything? Bribes? Throw me a bone here. Please.


Marilee said…
My boys have a REALLY hard time wanting to pitch in and help. One thing we tried was to put Mom and Dad on the job chart. That little trick has worked pretty well. Sometimes kids don't realize that they always have clean clothes in their drawers and warm food to eat (or at least that it's prepared for them one way or another) and those things Mom has done "behind the scenes". So by putting ourselves on the jov chart they feel like that we ALL take part in the daily household chores. Call me (465-5047), I have made a cute job chart that I can print out for you.

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