
I belong to a message board group, I have been with this group for about 7 1/2yrs. I know these ladies well. I felt the need to leave the group once and did, for about 5-6 months or so. It was hard to "Stay away". One day I jsut left, deleted my bookmarks and left. It is a private board so I couldn't go back without the link. I guess I aways had it in my email somewhere, but chose not to look for it.

About two months ago, I decided to return. Today, I knwo why I left. I am the only LDS lady, the most conservative on the board. There are some pretty conservative, but most are pretty liberal. They made some changes to the board setup while I was gone which I appreciate, very much. They created a seperate political/hot topic board and set up somesort of way to ensure posts that were racey could be recognized. I had told a few on the board (via email) what made me leave, I think they shared that with the rest. Some spoke up and agreed they felt similar and changes were made. Thank you ladies for the changes.

Surprised there had been nothng mentioned about Prop 8, I went to see what was said on te political board. I should have stayed away! There were about 15 posts about "WHY WHY WHY do people care if gay people get married?" They were all in favor of Prop 8. I felt the need to explain the side of an LDS gal. I am not the most eloquent person and I am VERY emotional! I think it got me in trouble.

Here is my post
First of all, Gay marriage effects everyone, not just them. If they could marry and it not effect more than them, no biggie.

If it becomes legal churches will be sued when they say "no we won't marry you". Religious based adoption agencies will be sued (one has had to close) because they say "no we won't let you adopt" Churches should be protected too. Do you think all churches should be forced to preform marriages between same sex couples? Or should churches be able to say "nope, aint' gonna do it".

Also, if it is legal it is taught in school, oh wait Calif is already teaching it as "normal". Many people don't want that taught in the schools. Kinda shoved down innocent children's throats. What about the teacher that invited her CLASS to the wedding as a "field trip". Only two kids opted out. WHY!

Our church is VERY open about it's beliefs. To understand how the LDS church feels on family read here,4945,161-1-11-1,00.html We believe marriage is ordained of God. That he created people (fromt he begining) to procreate, gay and lesbian couples can't do that. TRADTIONAL MARRIAGE is what we want protected. Between a man and a woman. If they want to be "married" fine, jsut don't make it forced down the children's throat. Making it appear "normal" and right, more and more people (ie children) will turn to an atlernative lifestyle. Do you REALLY want one of your children to decide to be gay? Maybe it is both "born trait" and learned. DO you want your child to learn that trait. Sure you would still love them, that is a given. How do you think a boy growing up in a gay family will learn how to have a successful relationship? Or vice versa?

Gay people are supposedly the most tolerant in the world, Apparently not. The people of California (who are minimally LDS) voted to protect traditional marriage. NOW the govenor is trying to overturn that vote...trying to get the CA supreme court to overturn that vote. How is THAT right? Oh and they blame the LDS church who donated NOTHING! People who happen to be LDS donated, just like people who donated were of other faiths as well. The LDS church spent about $2000 to send some people down to meet with the coolitian. That is all that came from the CHURCH itself. Oh and that isn't illegal.

Why is it called discrimination to vote agains same sex marriage, but they can illegally march against the LDS Temples in California and Utah. Write on the pillars outside the gates, break windows in buildings? Threaten people who donated? Yes, people from the LDS church helped spread the word on Yes on 8. AS did Catholics and Evangalists and so on. Californina went Obama, yet they got a ban on same sex marriage, why is that? LDS people? I don't think so. Less than 9% of California is LDS....52% voted for the ammendment.

Oh, CA had a ban against ga marriage before. It was overturned by the courts, then voted on again BY THE PEOPLE! a ban was passed again. Why is it when the people speak, no one listens? Oh wait....Obama is the pres. You don't see McCain or Third party people out having rallys'. The people spoke. End of story.

Oh and AZ and FL did the same thing....passed a ban. Obama still do the math. Call it for repub votes. More people voted for the bans than voted for McCain.

I am quite riled up about this. I have very strong beliefs as you all know. I am also the only one on here that probably would have voted yes. I believe in God and Jesus Christ. They love the person, but not the sin. Do you think He approves of Same sex marriages? I don't, never will. If they want to have a relationship fine, just dont' shove it down the throats of kids. It is NOT right! Making it legal, makes people believe it is right. If it is legal, what will protect the churches? If the church refuses to preform gay marriages (which the LDS church does) what happens next?

I am thankful to belong to a church that is firm in it's beliefs and stands up for what they know to be right. We believe marriage to be SACRED.

I know, many will want to debate this. I do not want to debate. I wanted to get my feelings out. I know I stand alone here, that is fine.

Well, the debate started and I fell right into it. I am a terrible debater. PLUS, I felt it was wrong to debate it. I didn't want to "bible bash" with them. I wanted to explain my view and step away. I didn't step away. SO everyone else ahd the right to say "it sucks, it is horrible, not fair, stupid" and use a few swear words in there. But I couldn't explain my view then leave it at that. They had to dive in and slam me. "It is only an opinion, fear tactics"....yada yada. I stepped up and said what I felt right and wanted to leave it at that. Nope!

I should have kept away from the politic board which apparently is a DEBATE forum. OOPS!

So once again, I want to run. BUT, I felt led back this last time and feel I am supposed to be there. Like I ahve something to share and maybe someone will see my side or be open to something else. I don't know and really I don't want to go back.

I just read another post, She basically said the LDS church brought on the hate crimes and deserved it. I will not be going is my "goodbye" post

I can't stay in a place that I don't feel comfortable. I really hoped I would be able to. I came back with hope, I could be something to someone here. I realize I don't fit in. I have changed over the years and especially while I was gone from here. I can't do this anymore.

The first time I left was over some posts the sex ones and also the Gay boyscout one. Today, it is over being attacked for my beliefs. I don't care if people are gay. That is fine. I feel it is wrong for same sex marriage to be legal. I do. That isn't going to change. I posted my feelings and said I didn't want to debate it. Everyone else could say how rediculous it was and I was not able to state my view without being slammed. SO, I see it goes one way you can say how f----- ridiculous it is. I can't make and opposing view and be respected. What ever happened to "Thank you for our view, but I disagree". I posted mine because the LDS church is being targeted for hate crimes, which are illegal. We did nothing illegal.

My email is ---------- if anyone wants to contact me. I won't be back. I wanted to explain myself this time. Goodbye.


***********After recieving a comment from K, I wanted to say something else. My blog is my blog. I post here what touches me. What I feel cannot be be negotiated. It IS how I feel. Whether or not I WAS attacked, it is definately a feeling I walked away with.


Frogcreek said…
Shel, I don't want to get in to this, but I feel the need to respond. She did say that the hate crimes were unacceptable, and she never did say they deserved it, but a what did they expect was going to happen.... If you want honest and fair judgement of the event you are blogging of from people, than post the whole thread. No one disrespected your beliefs or you personally, only strongly stated theirs. It is a debate board. You know full and well that I like you and respect you, but stating it like this isn't fair to the board. I personally stayed out as I knew this was going to happen. I think you are so passionate about this that it is clouding what really went down.I am so sorry that you feel that you have been attacked. That clearly was the not the intention. I will continue to check on you and your beautiful family through this blog. I will miss your posts on the board. Be well!-K
Anonymous said…
It's funny how people read right over the part where churches were physically attacked. I mean, how would anybody feel after that? Like they were targets, that's how! And angry. And scared. And NOT tolerated. Why couldn't they understand that you felt that way? And it wasn't just LDS churches, either. Saddleback was also targeted. Scary, what things are coming to! I go to and work at the largest church in Tucson, which is a liberal city with a large lesbian contingent. Maybe we're next... Hugs, Amy (CYE)
Sister Snoopy said…
They're hate crimes pure and simple. These people want to justify and rationalize away the truth.

I pity them.

The people of California have spoken and it is not right for the threats and intimidation.

You go, Shel!
Anonymous said…
I'm not an LDS member, but am a Christian. I understand your frustration. Those who ask these type of questions really don't want an answer or another opinion. They just want someone to validate their beliefs. They will know the truth and only God knows when that will be. Romans 8:28-32 is right on the mark in this area.

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