no longer white

My friend Heather bought a table and chairs for $60 on KSL and redid them. She left the top, wood grain and the seat of the chairs wood grain. She chose to do the rest a sage-ish green. It turned out BEAUTIFUL! I thought, hmph, my table is white and natural wood, I can paint mine too! Thank you Heather for the inspiration!!

This is what I did. In the picture it actually looks more orangy red than it is. It is red with a black/dark grey glaze over it. So it is a dark red, basically the same as my curtains. I'm not sure why the camera made it look so orangy red.


My curtains look like this (that is an apple that I painted)



Anonymous said…
nicely done! :)
Marilee said…
Way Cute!!!!
Heather said…
I'm such a good influence.... Ha ha ha. Good job! I know it's a lot of work. You did yours quicker than I did mine! I guess that's what happens when you don't have a tiny baby.
The Lindsays said…
It turned out really nice, Shelley. You and Heather are a terrible influence on me. It's taken me TWO days just to get the sanding done....I MIGHT finish before Thanksgiving?!
The Crook Book said…
That turned out cute! Maybe you will motivate me to get started on some of this stuff. Thanks, Stef

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