The haunting of a final

Do you have a final that you took in school that haunts you? I do, yet I don't know which one it was. I was on my way to my last final before Christmas break. Someone had told me that it was the worst winter in 50yrs. Being from Texas, I believed them. I had no clue that my nose hairs could literally freeze, or the cold could make my eyes water, then freeze on my face. No clue!

I lived on the hill in Rexburg at Somerset and was walking through the parkinglot of the physical plant building (winter of 92) focused on whatever final I was headed to. I was alone in the parkinglot, I guess everyone else had finished their finals. I slipped on a patch of ice, like I had done a million times. This time I could NOT compensate for the slip. Down I went. Luckily I caught myself before I got hurt. I landed on my hand, palm down. Not bad, I caught myself! I got up, blushing, I'm sure and brushed myself off and went off to my final. Sure my hand hurt, but I was almost done! I was headed to the airport in a few hours and headed home to WARM Texas.

My hand hurt for a while, but thought nothing of it. I had fallen, so it must have been bruised, right?

Fast forward a few years, I had been doing somehting nad the pain would not go away. Hmmm, time to have it checked. An xray showed a healed fracture, with an added bonus, a type of bone spur. At tat point it was causing tendonitis. They gave me options, deal, wear a brace, take meds or do surgery and file off the offending piece. Hmmmm, surgery? I wasn't game for that, atleast I could still use the hand and just baby it. So I bought a brace and used it when needed.

I have noticed there are certain things that aggrivate it. Using scissors a lot is a big one. I found a new one recently, using spray paint, can after can.

Darn final! I wonder which one it was....Math or American Heritage? Hmmmmmm. Oh well, life is good despite the little owies that come and go. Glad I have a brace, jsut wish it wasn't BLACK! Harder to hide it.


Marilee said…
Rexburg is one of the coldest places besides the North Pole. I flew off a raised slip-n-slide at youth conference a few years ago and landed on my shoulder, yeah, it still bugs me sometimes, too. Whatev!

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