Teacher Appreciation

Originally I had planned on do a different door completely! I was going to copy a door I found on a website Sugardoodle.net had posted on Facebook. I even got Home Depot to donate the things I needed. Last week I thought I should do a Hawaiian theme since this teacher went to school there and met his wife at BYU Hawaii and he will use "Mahalo" (thank you in Hawaiian) in class. I put it off, I had everything. Well, this morning I decided to change it to the Hawaiian theme. I had it all worked out in my head. I knew what I wanted. It didn't turn out the way I wanted exactly but I think it worked well. Mahalo Nui Loa, Thank you very much. I told LeMira, the parent council president that I was not very creative. She bawks at that idea now. I may have gotten myself in trouble. LeMira, made the pail and shovel and the banner. Journey made the sand castle. Lots of encouragement and it was done and hung. Not bad for a "last minute" idea.