Last Hurrah! San Diego, California
Since I have been so sick over the summer the kids have not really had much fun. Seeing how I do well on the meds we decided to make a last chance trip to Sea World. I am happy to say, I didn't need my meds until Saturday on our way home. I forgot to take the unisom on Friday night. OOPS! I am getting back to normal!!!! I learned a few things on our trip............... 1) a dvd player is a life saver! The last minute purchase made the 14hr trip enjoyable for everyone. 2) having a plan on when the kids could drink and eat snacks made life easier! 3) A/C is a must traveling through the desert (I'm thankful mine worked!!!) 4) I don't like Vegas (too crowded and too much construction going on) 5) Hotel Circle in San Diego lacks gas stations 6) There are too many interstates in San Diego! 7) I will forever be a small town girl! Yes, I know I wasn' a small town girl growing up. Maui forever ruined me. Which I am thankful for! 8) Kids love sea world (big and small) 9) S...