
I feel like crap.... When I feel like crap I tend to be more judgemental than normal.

I went to church today, well Sacrament anyway. Iw as seriously annoyed and couldn't keep focus. Is it the pain? Is it the medicine? Is it that I'm a lousy human today?

The young man blessing the sacrament had his hair in a mohawk style. I HATE those and felt it was too extreme for blessing the Lords sacrament. "Uh hello....atleast he is there, blessing the sacrament and probably worthy to do so". Get a grip! UGH!

The pews were full and a family came in and sat in the second to front row and they got up and down the WHOLE time. Drove me nuts. A little girl kept going up and down the asile and the mom or brother kept chasing her. "Um, hello, they were THERE! Partaking of the sacrament! Doing what they should be doing!" Get a grip!

MY own kids have tendency to STAND UP in sacrament and walk to a differnet spot. DRIVES ME INSANE! I got on to my almsot 9yr old about it about made her cry! UGH!

Oh I could probably go on and on! In the eternal perspective of things, no one was doing anything horrible. Except me that is. I couldn't focus, so I was blaming it on other people.

I am a crazy person and think everyone should be out of debt or trying desperately, have food storage, oh the list could go on. In reality I need to work on myself... am I reading my scriptures like I should? Am I praying like I should? Seeking personal revelation like I should? Well, the answer is no.... I need to quit focusing on others.

We all have agency, how am I using mine?


Sister Snoopy said…
Feel better soon!!!!


Marilee said…
Sometimes you just have to rant and rave--I hope you fee better soon.

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