Holy Printing Press Batman!

I was up early and heard on the radio the government bailed out AIG for EIGHTY FIVE BILLION dollars! I don't get how that is a good thing for really anyone. Okay besides thousands keep their jobs.

I picture it as, "fire up those printing presses, run them on full speed until we can MAKE 85 BILLION dollars". You know it won't stop there.....keep on bailing out everyone who played stupid. I so believe in consipracies! I think this is one! ARGH! So how much is the dollar worth today? In reality that is? Less than yesterday, no doubt!

So my great, great, great, great, grand children will still be paying for this. What ever happened to personal responsibility? Over rated? I think not!

Ezra Taft Benson http://www.awakeandarise.org/Benson.htm gave a speech that is so good. He talks about socialism. Definately worth listening too. This was not as a GA.

Then as a GA he gave this talk. We live in The Book of Mormon times. Time to be aware of what is going on.


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