

I used to make dolls as a hobby. I would buy regular play dolls and strip all the paint and "hair" off and start over. This is one of my favorites. He went to live with a gal in Florida. I love reborning dolls. It is such a stress relief and creative outlet. If it wasn't such and expensive hobby, maybe I would pick it up again.

In the reborning process you repaint, change eyes, add hair (mohair)give them a new cloth body. I sold all the ones I did except one I did for Dejah, Rachael. It was a birthday present for her 8th birthday. Racheal is a copy of a doll I did years ago. Dejah cried when I sold her.




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Marla said…
He is so cute. I thought he was real at first. That would be a lot of fun to do.
Dawn said…
I was always amazed at the beauty of your work. I hope you can get back into it soon. You definitely have a gift!!

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