"It doesn't make sense...."

That is what I heard yesterday. I had my checkup yesterday. He reviewed his notes then said "It doesn't make sense? If I didn't know it I would have thought you were a EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD ATHELETE" talking baout my blood work (emphasis added). Well, that is cool that my blood work came back "perfect" BUT that doesn't explain the pain. Why did the prednisone work beautifully and without all the normal side effects? I had the minor ones and I am only on a half regular dose (SHEW!). I was so paranoid to take it. I had a rough time with it before.

I am feeling good overall, so I'm happy. The pain did start to come back yesterday, I told him. I think it is becasue I am weaning off the prednisone. Then again maybe it is the "nantucket mix" I have been inhaling. The nantucket mix came from Costco it is a nut fruit mix. YUM! I thas almonds, pistacios, raiins, dried cherries and cranberries. OH, some of my favorite foods!

He gave me some designer prednisone (entocort), but i will hold off on that and see if the pain could be from my favorite new treat. I don't get my blood work...if there was inflamation (a lot) it would show in my blood. Something is increased...it wasn't. Maybe I am a wimp and can't tolerate pain. I palyed superwoman once and delivered my first baby (9lb 5oz) with no pain meds...so I like the *think* I have a higher pain tolerance. Maybe I just had a great coach. ;)

He also thinks the predominant source of my disease is in my small intestine rather than my colon (which they have seen). Since I react to treatment he wants to keep treating me. I can't see taking an antiflamatory (which I have done since feburary) if there is no serious inflamation. The one I'm taking (8 pills a day is a non-invassive one, not like the steriod. Choices.....

On the up side I am feeling rather well! I LIKE THAT! I feel me again and am happy!

**********On a side note...talking about my fruity treat, check out how peanuts are good for blood sugar http://www.realage.com/ct/eat-smart/food-and-nutrition/tip/6883


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