Day late and a dollar short?

My husband does preparedness classes at our Stake Center each month on the SECOND Tuesday at 7pm. You guessed it, it was last night. I wanted to post about it so some of you that read (that I don't have emails for you...ehem, Marla!) could come.

Last night's class was on Emergency Heat and cooking. As usual he did a fantasic job. If you want the hand out or the powerpoint I will see if I can email it to you. That is IF you use the "drop me a line" button to give me your email addy. ;) BTW, I need your email for my classes too.

I'm sorry, I didn't post it here. Next month the topic will be the "Pandemic preparendess". Mark your calendars if interested OCT 12th at our Stake Center, you know the one. :D

Scott puts HOURS and HOURS into his presentation and does a fabulous job. He gathers stuff to illustrate different methods. We have tables of stuff he has borrowed to show. Last night we had camp chefs all the way to my wonderbox. SOmeone brought their patented water heater (which is a NIFTY thing!). I love his classes because people come who have had different experiences and everyone is sharing. It is a great learning experience for everyone.

My classes are simple hands on, learning together classes. Really they aren't meant to be me standing up teaching, even though that is how it has turned out. I am a hands on, visual learner and try to present that way. It is a informal class. I like it that way. NOW, I need to work on my organizational skills and get with the program and plan a month at a time. I am a last minute person, a non planner (except some things).

Next week "I got rice, what do I do with it?" We will talk about differnt Rices and recipes. YUM!


Marilee said…
So why is it "A Day Late and A Dollar Short"?
I'm a day late in telling you about the class (if you wanted to come). Well, I'm always a dollar short...I spend too much at the begining of the month. :)
Marilee said…
Oh, I get it now! Thanks for the explanation. I hope you had a good turnout at your class. I can't get the "drop me a line" thing to work.

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