Have you ever wondered?

It is no secret that my family is very into preparedness. We started working on food storage when we lived in Hawaii. We moved to Washington in 1998 that October President Hinckley gave the talk "To the Boys and Men" in the priesthood session. Since then, Scott has been all gung ho about making sure we are ready.

I read an article in the Ensign this morning http://www.lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=2354fccf2b7db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=cfb4fd758096b010VgnVCM1000004d82620a____&hideNav=1 it was actually posted on a website I visit. I have always thought I would share, but I also have had issues with the fact I have been working hard for the past 10yrs to gather food and other items for my family when others are going on all sorts of lavish vacations or buying things that aren't really needed. I struggle with this.

I struggle with the thought that the 5 virgins who were prepared did not share with those who weren't. The ones who weren't missed out on seeing the Bridegroom. With food, if we share will there be enough for our families? Do we put our trust int he Lord that there will be enough ? I think so, does it make me happy that I will have to share with those who have NOT taken the time to prepare for their family? No it doesn't? I wish I could knock people upside the head at times and say "Do you believe in a living prophet?", then follow him.

Below is an excerpt from the article....

Let me here conclude by repeating a challenge I offered in that same talk that we ought to have a year’s supply of food by April 1977. I mentioned that the Lord would open up the way to help us achieve that goal.

Let us then recommit ourselves to reducing or eliminating our vacation if we do not at present have a year’s supply of food and use that money to buy our year’s supply.

Let us spend part or all of our Christmas money on a year’s supply.

Let us cut our recreation budget in half. Let us be very frugal and store the basics: wheat or grains of your community, salt, sugar or honey, dry milk, and water—these are the basics.

The Bretheren have made it SUPER easy now. Work on a THREE month supply then get your longer tern storage. I hope I don't come off preachy all the time, I'm sure I do though.

This is a AWESOME video. Listen for the promises. I can't post it here...something to do with copyright. Enjoy!
I have handouts from some classes I did, if some of you haven't gotten them, I can forward them to you to help move you along on the 3month supply. :)

Over and out....preachy Shelley


Marilee said…
Even though we have been asked to prepare ourselves and, someday, live the law of consecration, I think you're right. You are one of the wise virgins whose oil lamp is full. It will be okay that you don't share with others because we should ALL prepare ourselves for whatever may come. Follow the Prophet(s) and we will be able to meet the Bridegroom.

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