
Showing posts from December, 2008


I have two sisters. Both are half sisters, one 11yrs younger the other 17yrs younger than me. In reality they are strangers to me. How is that family members can be strangers? That is my reality. I am strangers pretty much with all my family, except my mom (but that wasn't always so). I think I have spoken to my sister (11yrs younger) a few times in the past 13 1/2 years. That is when I got married. She was 10. It is hard to be something to someone when you aren't allowed to call home. Shortyly after Scott and i were married, my step mom decided we were no longer welcome. So in a sense we were disowned. She made it extremely hard on my dad. Pretty much we were estranged from him "to save the marriage". I was "okay" with it. I felt my dad saving his marriage was more important. I began my family, and I wanted him to have his. I didn't realize how hard it would be. I stopped talking to pretty much everyone, both brothers and my sister too. ...

will it work?


Got snow?

  These pictures were taken Tuesday(23rd), Wednesday (24th) and Friday(26th) Fun snow...I wonder how high it will get? The jeep is inoperable at the moment so it won't be cleared to be driven. Oh wait, it is a bit cold with not top anyway.

Been thinking....

I know, I know...scarey eh? I have been thinking about all the things that make my life good. Today I told Scott, life is good. He wondered what our future held. I told him sincerely that wahtever it held it would still be good. Many people think we are doom and gloom about the economy and future. Really we aren't, things have to get bad before they get bettter. It is what is far (or not so far)ahead that makes the difficulties so worth while to go through. First of all, Scott makes my life good. Good is not the right adjective at all. He is perfect for me. Absolutely and totally perfect. I know we were led to eachother. Things happened in our lives that led us to Austin to meet. He was 27 and single and was working full time for IBM, but only on a temporary basis. I had just returned from Idaho with an associates degree and with plans to serve a full time mission. Niether of us were looking for a relationship (so unlike me!). We happened to meet his first Sunday in ...


I like Ham. I actually like ham more than turkey. Good thing, look what I have. 100% pure HAM!     Bry has never been one to take a bath. Only out of my desire for a quick clean kid. Bryan probably has taken only a couple of handfuls of baths in his life. He loves the shower...has since he was a baby. I guess he didn't have much of a choice. OOPS! And he loves the camera. He loves his momma too. He has been sick th epast couple of days and he came in our room about 5am and said "I need a kiss". I wanted to say "go to bed!" but he came over and let his momma give him a kiss on the top of his head. He went back to bed for about 15min, then asked for a drink of water. I prefered the kiss, I didn't have to get out of bed for that one. hehehe


Dejah had to do a little report on Family traditions. I was thinking really hard about what kinds of traditions we have. I had a difficult time thinking about what we do over and over again, that could be called a tradition. The only one I could think of was our Christmas stockings. Starting with our first Chirstmas together way back in 1995 (way back...someday that will be true). We made our stockings and decorated them with felt pieces. Pieces we cut and designed ourselves. We did so for each child too (well we bought Lindsey's stocking). Each one we tried to make special to their birth or something about them. Some were harder than others. Lindsey has a palm tree with bells. SHe was born in Hawaii. Katie has a temple...she was born soon after the Columbia River Temple was dedicated. Bryan has more boy stuff, trains. Journey's has a was her favorite stuffed animal. She still ahs it. Dejah has puzzle pieces. I think our most important stocking that we...


I told Scott I wanted to go to see Twilight (movie) and he said he would take me. Wow, there! I figured it would be a girls night out type of movie he would refuse to go see.My mom watched the kids for us last night and he took me to see Twilight. I was sure to say thank you for taking me. See, he is an action type guy. He likes to see things blow up. He is NOT into the romance flicks. I had told him enough about the book that he could follow things. At the end I turned to him and said, "what did you think?". He said "I liked it". WHOA!!! So, we have gone to movies (his kind) and he said "It was okay". So to hear him say he liked it. WHOA! I knew going in that the movie was NOT going to be a lot like the book. HOW can you make a movie from a book like that? There was BOUND to be big changes! There were. I definately liked the book SOOOOO much more! I was facinated by the Tree scene though. That was gorgeous! Thanks honey for taking me to...

Dejah's Christmas Program

Today was Dejah's Christmas program at school They sang a song I hadn't heard before "Little toy trains". I really liked it! I found a youtube video of Dony Osmond singing it to his baby son. I think it was much better having it sung by 3 third grade classes. It was so sweet to see my Dejah happy and singing. I got luck to sit right up front where she was. She was one of th dancers too. It was so funny after them dancing the boys and girls all rubbed their fingers then wiped them off on their pants. It was hillarious. I guess they have cooties.        

COOLEST OF COOL kitchen tricks!

I saw this on a forum I am on. It is absolutely amazing! I want to go try it right now! Please excuse the A word he uses.

Jumble jumble!

This is NOT my dog. My dog is supposedly a Pyrapoo (great Pyranese Poodle mix). Who ever bought her first were LIED to. When my sister in law bought her she was thinking she was buying a pyraopoo also. I looked high and low for a picture of a pyraopoo So what do YOU think? Does my Nala look like a Pyrapoo? Didn't think so! HA! So I think some one jumbled a bit! Now if we brushed her like we should, she would look MORE like the top picture, a BLONDE BORDER COLLIE! ROFL!


I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!


That is the number of pages I have read in the past 6 days. I guess I am an obsessive compulsive person. Oh wait, pretty much in only ONE area. Fiction. I have been this way in the past and have stopped reading much. I pick up a book and get swept away. Nothing gets done. If it is a series, I'm in big trouble! I guess that is only if I'm behind on the series and don't have to wait for the next book to come out. When I was pregnant with one of my girls (not sure which one) I read similar to this. I havent' found a book that has kept me reaching in a while though. I guess that is good. My house is feeling it. Scott is too. Our normal evening activities have changed this past week. When he first saw me reading last Saturday, he was excited. He reads a lot! I don't. He was sincerely happy to find me enthrawled in a book, any book. I read probably 300+ pages that day. I have always been a slow reader. He was shocked! He forgets I let things slide wh...

Dad's first haircut!

Okay the first hair cut Dad gave! Happy Birthday Bryan! I wanted him to look nice for his birthday. I asked Scott to cut his hair since he has witnessed MORE boy haircuts than I have. He did pretty good. It was shorter on top than I like, but hey....I didn't have to wrestle with him.      

They grow so fast!

I was thinking this morning about how Lindsey AND Dejah both eat more than I do. Of course they are rails! LOL! Lindsey will be 11 in Feburary and guess how big her feet are? LESS than HALF a thumb width smaller than mine! I wear a size 8. Does that mean she will be taller than me? Or just really big feet? Her feet are still really narrow though. Which of course makes it impossible to find shoes that fit. She can wear mine except they fall off. Hmmmmmmmm, I guess on the up side, her feet can't grow TOO much more, right? So shoes will last longer?