I was talking to my sister in law today and she thinks Lindsey looks like me. She saw a picture of me my sophmore year in highschool and thought she saw Lindsey in me. What do you think?
SEVENTEEN DAYS till she is 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIgh!
I definetly think she looks like you!! I also loved your list of things that you are doing for Valentines!! I think that movie last night made me appreciate my husband even more!!
I have to agree with Robin, I think your kids totally look like Scott. With your old picture I can see some faint similarities, but I think she's mostly a Scott clone?!
Leave it to me to get the weird things! This is the second time in a mont that I have been "blessed" with this strange ailment! The last day of antibiotics (shot) last time was March 18th. I had started with Augmentin and that didn't work. They gave me a good shot of rochepin (a peanut butter shot) and that seemed to make a big difference quickly. I went back and got another, after the second I noticed remarkable improvement. I was SO excited! Then on Monday it started foming back. So it lasted two weeks. The next week we just did Rocephin shots. OUCH! I went round and round with the insurance company about an IV versus shots. The doctor recommended the IV because it would be less pain. I opted for the shot when I realized that the ER visit for 5 days would be about $400-500 a day. OUCH. So I got 5 rocephin shots that week. It was so much better by that Friday (18). YEAH! Fast forward to this past week. I was having similar pain and wrote it off as a sin...
Originally I had planned on do a different door completely! I was going to copy a door I found on a website Sugardoodle.net had posted on Facebook. I even got Home Depot to donate the things I needed. Last week I thought I should do a Hawaiian theme since this teacher went to school there and met his wife at BYU Hawaii and he will use "Mahalo" (thank you in Hawaiian) in class. I put it off, I had everything. Well, this morning I decided to change it to the Hawaiian theme. I had it all worked out in my head. I knew what I wanted. It didn't turn out the way I wanted exactly but I think it worked well. Mahalo Nui Loa, Thank you very much. I told LeMira, the parent council president that I was not very creative. She bawks at that idea now. I may have gotten myself in trouble. LeMira, made the pail and shovel and the banner. Journey made the sand castle. Lots of encouragement and it was done and hung. Not bad for a "last minute" idea.
Just over three weeks ago, I recieved a phone call as I was getting out of the car to pick up pizza. It was a interesting conversation.... Scott: Uh, Hon, they want me to go to Brazil. Me: REALLY!!!??? WOW! Scott: ya, the catch is it is for TWO WEEKS. Me: I WANNA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scott: you don't even have a passport. Scott served his mission in Sao Paulo South and came home 21yrs ago! He has forgotten a lot of his Portuguese. His company wants him to go set up a firm down there with their products. Scott is a no brainer chioce...been there done that type thing. I have asked him many times he wanted to go back. He was never very excited about it. When the phone call came and his voice was exuberant, I KNEW he HAD to go. Two weeks alone with the kids or not, he NEEDED to go. I thought I would solve the no passport issue fast and said "you can be there for work, then I'll meet up with you!". Sounded perfect! It would take me two weeks minimum to get my pa...