Crazy lady is at it again (Whole Cleanse here)

****I decided to combine the whole clease as my other posts are getting lost. I will just edit this post and post the new day at the end****

I have decided once again to do the Master Cleanse. I did it back in 2007 after losing 20lbs. It cleaned out the gunk in my body and made me feel incredible. Maybe I'm just thinking back to when things were simpler, BUT after a few days on the cleanse I had clarity of thought. I am a typical ping pong ball, I don't think I was always that way. Don't ask Scott that question, it might ruin my thought process here. ;) Back to the clarity, I was able to think faster and remember things. I once had a memory and could tell you the place and words said. Since having kids a wall has gone up on many things. Now, I'm not blaming my beautiful children for this. I just think as you worry about more and more things and people you forget other things. Hey that is fine and probably normal. I would like to improve it again.

I started my 10 day cleanse and journey yesterday. The day was actually really good. Last night we went to hear Farley Anderson speak (another post) and there was apot luck. I made Artichoke Tomato bake (yummm!) and we went. I took 36oz of my lemonade drink with me. I ignored all the good smelling food and drank my drink. I felt I did very well considering I had no solid foods in 24hrs.

I actually like the lemonade drink (8oz water 2T fresh lemon juice, 2T real maple syrup and a 1/8t cayenne pepper. SOme people hate the lemonade by the end, I actually enjoyed it and would make it on occassion just to drink. Crazy huh? It is the Salt water flush in the mornings I hate. A quart of water with 2t salt. BLECH! It is hard to down, and I'm nauseated for a bit after it. BLECH!(Don't read the next part if you are easily grossedd out)*** It helps things move through the bowels. The point of the lemon and pepper is to cleanse the organs, the flush clears out the toxins through the bowels. But the lemonade is great!

Today is day 2 for me and if you can believe it, I woke up NOT hungry! Not a hunger pain at all. It was great! I did the dishes as I drank the SWF. I had energy even! You would think one would lack energy 36hrs without solid food.

I took in about 800 calories yesterday. The last time I only took in about 600. They recomend 6-8 glasses (8-10oz) a day. The Maple syrup is 100 calories per glass. I do not know my starting weight so I'm not sure I will be able to measure true weightloss. I think I will take measurements today.

Yesterday was a great day. I decided to take the LIFE CAPS to see if they would help. I think that is what helped. Bridget has been using them with her low calorie diet planwith success, so I thought I would give it a try. So far so good. I woke up wihtout hunger pains (WOW!) and was able to go the day without feeling like I was being starved. Two thumbs up for Life Caps!

About five o'clock I did start to get REALLY irritable. I had to run by Walmart after Homedepot to pick up some olives for pizza. The kids did their "I'm hungry, can we get (fill in the blank)!" I wanted to drop kick them in the store! Instead I pulled all 5 of them to the side and had a heart to heart with them. I told myself I would not use the "Well, I haven't eaten in __ days" this time. I caved and told them "guys, come on have some respect, I haven't eaten real food in TWO days! PLEASE stop asking for everything. I'm buying stuff to make you pizza." After that they were polite. We went home and it started all over again....all the normal kid stuff, "I'm hungry, what's for dinner?". I kicked everyone out of the kitchen and wasn't very nice at times. I HATE this part of the cleanse. Your body is TRYING to adjust and is under stress. This usually subsides by day four and picks up again on day 7. After that it is pretty much smooth sailing.

As far as hunger goes, I did very well. The heightened sense of smell is picking up now...boy howdy! Hot dog buns smell good even. ROFL! I have only had one slip so far and that was when I was reheating the artichoke tomato bake for Scott. I test the temp with my finger and then licked my finger. So so far so good. Tasted YUMMY though.

yesterday I did put the full amount of cayenne in my lemonade and boy was that fun. I guess I had been eye balling it wrong. I actually measured out an 1/8t and put it in my 8oz of lemonade. you know the movies/tv shows where they show the people doing shots of whatever the liquor is? THe look on their face, the burn they must feel. Well, I had a similar look yesterday drinking my lemonade. WHOA! Hot!

Cayenne is supposed to be fabulous of blood loss, you can put it on an open wound and it will help clot. Interesting enough, it will help people having heart attacks too. I fyou know someone is having a heart attack, have them drink water with cayenne in it. It will open up the blood vessels and help. It will help clear sinuses too. It is good for you! Reduces blood pressure too. Cool Stuff!

On to day three....woke up without hunger pains too. That is a real gift! It really isn't too bad going without food. I am filled with fluids. I do have a hard time cooking, as I am a taster cook. I taste everything...the sauce, cheese,dough, pepperoni, olives...etc. That is the hardest part. Okay and watching the family eat what I made. :D

The reason I decided I didn't want to say "I haven't eaten in __ days" is this was MY choice. I decided to deprive myself of food. I felt it was worth it. I am hoping to rework my eating style less sugar. I am a sugar fanatic. If I can break a few habits along this journey I will be better at the end. It is more than a starvation (as some may see it) it is way to reprogram myself on a few things too. If I havve the will power to go without food/sugar for 10 days I can pretty much do anything. Atleast, that is how I see it. I am a person lacking in self discipline, I married the king of it. :) Last night I picked up my mom (who is doing the cleanse too) to take a tool back to Home Depot. She said "guess what I did?". I knew she was chewing something when I called her! ROFL! So anyway, my resovle has been strengthened. I've made it two days, what is 8 more? ;)

I was fine until I started trying to figure out dinner. Opening and closing the fridge....UGH!!!!!!!!!! Food, food, everywhere there was food, which I am very thankful for! I needed someone to make dinner last night! I decided on baked potatoes...simple. Well, that was frowned on. Too, bad!

As you can imagine, I was grumpy too. HOWEVER, this morning I have energy and am excited for the day, minus the snow that is ever so gently falling outside. I have grand plans, I'm going to work out! I was going to go to the gym, but I am thinking about just doing it here. I don't like the snow (I'm such a whimp!).


Yesterday (day four) was a fabulous day! I had energy and was not grumpy! I had a few more aches and pains, that is normal. Overall, nothing bad. For dinner I made Porkchops, dilly carrots and spiced apples (my mom canned hem). We did a FHE on service and I made cinnamon rolls and we took them to the Bishop (we are going to miss him!). My goof so far was getting the caramel sauce from the cinnamon rolls on my fingers and licking it off. Dang it was good! I LOVE homemade caramel!!! I did very well in all the other areas of not being tempted! The sauce did tempt me, especially AFTER the oops!

My hunger has subsided and I drank only 4 or 5 glasses of lemonade yesterday. I noticed my thirst had diminished, so I really need to push the water too. I'm not getting enough plain water. So I will work on that today too. Today is my half way day! :)


First of all, I would like to explain a bit about the master cleanse. A dear friend called me yesterday worried about me. She was there when I was so sick last Feburary and she is actually the reason I was able to get help when I did. I did a COLON cleanse last January and it weaked havok on my colon. I became very ill from it. That cleanse had some harsh herbs in it meant to scrub the colon clean. The master cleanse actually is a full body cleanse. It works on the kidney mostly though, where we store a bunch of gunk. Lemon juice and cayenne may seem really harsh in theory, but they become alkaline in the body. I did this cleanse before and did fine. I feel comfortable doing it with my crohns. I do not however feel comfortable doing another colon cleanse with crohns.

Day five was great until the French bread as out last night. I am a serious french bread lover and could probably eat a whole loaf. YUMM! FOrget the lasagna, give me the bread! I was ready to bale on the whole thing and eat bread. I stayed strong and thought...I have 4 days left!

I am a bit bummed I haven't noticed any changes in my clothes fitting yet. I still have 4 days left though. LOL! On to day 6!


Day six started out easy enough. It ended with dread! I DID notice clothes fitting differently, which is GREAT! I started the cleanse on Friday and didn't weigh myself until Monday, so I don't have a clear view of my progress. On Monday, Alicia's scale said 143lbs (which is what I weighed my last weigh in at WW before I quit). I know I gained after that though. Yesterday my mom and I stopped by her work (all the gals are doing the HCG diet) and stepped on the scale. I was 141. So that was nice to see, since I hadn't noticed a change in clothes until later.

Last night was the hard part. I try VERY hard to stay out of the kitchen. I left to take Lindsey's friend home and returned to the kitchen torn apart with food from the pantry out. We went shopping at Macey's Case Lot sale on Tuesday and we needed to do some rotation. I hoped it could wait until I could handle being surounded by food. So for 3 hours last night we sorted and reworked the pantries and the storage room. I was REALLY grumpy and Scott couldn't understand why. ?????

Three more days.... I just found out my mom ended her cleanse last night. So I am going it alone for the next few days. Bummer!

Day Seven

Yesterday was okay. I was feeling very weak, I wanted to quit a lot. Making meals and snacks for the kids was very difficult. I finally got my reslove back when I tossed the left over french bread. Bye bye bread! LOL! It wasnot the cookies the other day, or the cinnamon rolls really...but darn french bread that has about done me in on a few occassions. I am trying to figure out how I can make GOOD whole wheat (100%) french bread. I don't think it is possible! I guess the next time I try making french bread I will add more wheat than white to the dough.

I do find it interesting that I spent some time checking out mixes in jars yesterday. I am trying to figure out an easy way to make food out of food storage. I heard you can convert some of the "gifts in jars" mixes for food storage. SO I was scouring the internet for recipes. HUH? I wasn't dieing for food either. I'm really not hungry, just know food is the norm and want it. Kind of snacking out of boredom.

I weighed myself at Alicia's again yesterday and the difference from her scale to the one at my mom's work was +.2lbs. Not a loss but a gain instead. Bummer! Scott did ask me this morning if the purpose of the cleanse was weight loss or the cleansing factor. I told him both. I would like to lose more than a few pounds in the process though.

I am a bit grumpy though. I was hoping that would subside. I still have hope!

Days 8&9

Friday was fine I cna't think of any hicups. Yesterday was a busy day. In the morning while Scott was gone we raced the clock to get the house cleaned up. i planned to take the kids to the park, but Scott had other plans. We worked gardens the rest of the day. Which caused me to work the lemonade off much faster. I did suffer hunger pangs yesterday. It was for a good cause though.

So during this cleanse you get this white gunk on your tounge and as the cleansing process continues the white goes away. I am only at about half way there. I am bummed since today is techincally my last day. TEN days is the minimum recommended. you can do this for 40 days! I think my family would kill me first. So I do think that today is my last day. I feel bad as, the cleansing process isn't over. I could keep going, if I had more maple syrup or had the money to buy more tomorrow. This cleanse has already cost more than I thought it would. Maple syrup is EXPENSIVE now! Approximately $10 a pound. I have gone through about half a gallon so far...probably more.

My plan for after this is LESS sugar. I am a sugar addict...okay I WAS a sugar addict. I am a recovering sugar addict. I will be making more things from scratch too. WOHOO! I like to make things so this is up my alley! :)


Bridget said…
WOW your brave...I mean I thought I was a little nuts doing the whole 500 calorie thing..but NO FOOD! I would love to do a cleanse..but no food would be SO HARD! Do u really not feel hungry?
Dawn said…
WOW ~ I agree that the SWF might make me sick, as well.

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