Have I done any good in the world today....

I get LOTS of emails from free cycle and they are usually people needing something or giving something away. I LOVE Freecycle.org and think it is a great organization a great way to help people. Today a post caught me off gaurd and has made me think.

Here is the email
Okay this may be weird, but I've learned how to sew in the past 6 month, and fixing something that I was about to throw out gives me a thrill. I've gotten really good at patching jeans, I can fix hems and zippers if you bring the right size of replacement zipper. Anyway, I figure you guys can e-mail me and I'll do first ones first going down the list. I'll e-mail the next person on the list as I'm ready for them. Thanks, this will be fun.

It made me think, what do I do or can do that can help someone else? Also Marilee Laney's Lucky 5 post made me want to do some service too. Gee, I also bought "Pay it Forward" the other day. I think I am being prompted in many ways. So I am thinking, how can I stretch out of myself and serve others. So I am on a quest this week. I am going to find something I can do to help others. I have been very blessed, so much so I often wonder "when will the ball drop? when will my luck run out?". So, it is time for me to step up and be of more service. Maybe that means I will start up prep classes again, or maybe it means I will do something different.

Time to hit my knees.

**Sorry I am post happy (2 posts each day in the past 2 days).


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